Kaiser Family Foundation presented a side-by-side comparison of the major health care reforms initiatives between President Obama, House and Senate. The comparison is a useful tool to better help understand the commonalities or differences between all parties.
This past week on February 25th, a Health Care Summit was held by President Obama with key Republican and Democrat congressional leaders. The intent of the summit was to find common ground on the Health Care Bill and ultimately pass it into law with bipartisan support.
It is highly unlikely that a bipartisanship spirit renewal took place at the Summit; however, President Obama is contemplating adding four policy areas identified by Republicans as follows:
- Random and undecover investigations of Medicare providers
- Health courts to resolve medical malpractice disputes
- Increase Medicaid reimbursements for doctors
- Expanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Regardless of President Obama's overture, the Republican base is not in agreement with any version of the health care bill other than starting the legislative process over.